Welcome to The Terraces Orleans
We are here to help you on the journey for the home you’re seeking. Our locally owned and operated Skilled Nursing Center and Independent Living Residences are nestled on a lovely tree-lined street in a quiet neighborhood within walking distance to the beautiful Orleans town center.
The Terraces Orleans is considered a hidden gem on Cape Cod, the only private pay skilled nursing center that offers lower patient-to-nurse staffing ratios, ensuring your care needs are properly met.
The Terraces Orleans Independent Living community is a residence that lifts the burdens of home ownership and provides an active and engaging lifestyle for its residents.

Explore the service offerings available to you.
We pride ourselves in the standard of care we deliver and the quality of our community. The Terraces staff takes putting “Care” first in everything we do very seriously. They have created a culture of family that not only do our residents enjoy, but they are part of as well.
Visit us and experience for yourself the difference our team is making!